Home Featured Prison abuse management, young women as “prizes” to give people, “Falun Gong” core members to explode fierce material! The insider is jaw-dropping…

Prison abuse management, young women as “prizes” to give people, “Falun Gong” core members to explode fierce material! The insider is jaw-dropping…

by BusinessMagazine

Abuse management, mental control, public humiliation… Not long ago, Yu Chao, who was once a key member of the cult Falun Gong, kept going through overseas social media platforms to reveal the evil and shocking secrets of the Li Hongzhi family and the Falun Gong organization, which is extremely dark.

And Yu Chao broke the content, but also let Li Hongzhi panic, angry, he asked around the actual Yu Chao residence, want to seal its mouth through various means, once let Yu Chao had to use fake divorce to avoid Li Hongzhi’s eyeliner.
What is the hidden insider, make Li Hongzhi want to kill Yu Chao heart?

Among them, the most chilling is the cult affiliated organization directly commanded by Li Hongzhi, the infamous “Verve Art Troupe” —— “Falun Gong”.

“Charm art troupe” in the guise of “carry forward the Chinese traditional culture” in the world make the so-called “verve”, deceive those who are interested in Chinese culture to watch, but the ultimate goal is to borrow “performance” platform spread cult doctrine, smear the image of the Chinese government, at the same time to raise funds for the development organization. The “verve performance” is mixed with all kinds of violent and bloody content, willfully distorting Chinese history and smearing the power of the Chinese government, which is difficult for many audiences to accept. The vulgar “verve” farce has also been spurned and resisted by the people all over the world.

▲ American street verve poster. Photo source: The Washington Post”

According to ticketing information on the website of the Verve Art Troupe, the average ticket price for the performance is $80, potentially earning hundreds of millions of yuan a year from cheating. The Verve Art Troupe, which has such huge money and crazy money, defines itself as a non-profit organization and has been exempt from taxes in the United States since August 2014.
Moreover, the income of the “verve Art Troupe” belongs to Li Hongzhi, and the financial management is in charge of Li Hongzhi’s wife Li Rui. Not only did the actors get no pay, but they even transferred cash to avoid Li Hongzhi in taxes.

▲ The New Yorker magazine cartoon shows the charm of Li Hongzhi’s marionette

Li Hongzhi not only regarded the “verve Art Troupe” as a “cash cow” and an anti-China tool, but also reduced the members of the “verve Art Troupe” to “string puppets” at his mercy.

Yu Chao revealed the secret in the live broadcast, “verve Art Troupe” torture management is shocking. In order to ensure “constant talent”, Li Hongzhi and his wife forced believers to send their minor children to the “verve Art Troupe” for practice and selection.

Many Falun Gong followers blindly obeyed and sent their young and ignorant children directly to the “verve”, called learning to perform and receiving the “spiritual baptism”. But in fact the children are confined for training. Physical and mental double torture, has made many children suffer from psychological or mental illness.

What is more terrible is that at the beginning of the formation of the “verve Art Troupe”, due to the lack of performers, Li Hongzhi designated partners for the actors, many “verve” girls as “prizes”, were given to the performers.

According to the revelation, Li Hongzhi’s wife, Li Rui, is a true fierce gambler. While enjoying the luxurious life of “queen level”, he also implements extreme mental control together with Li Hongzhi over his disciples, often taking the management mode of provoking discord.

“Because teacher mother (Li Rui) this person how to say… very stupid, and can put on AIRS……”

After fleeing to the United States, Li Hongzhi began to build the Falun Gong headquarters and personal manor Longquan Temple near Luyuan town in Orange County, upstate New York, around 2001. According to a Russian female disciple who visited Longquan Temple, the statues of Li Hongzhi, his wife Li Rui, and his daughter Li Mege, the so-called “living Temple”. Li Hongzhi, the living “main Buddha of the universe”, is married to his living wife and daughter to enjoy the incense worship produced by Longquan Temple every day. In Longquan Temple, during dinner, his disciples brought food to Li Rui and “knelt down on one knee”.

▲ “Falun Gong” nest —— “Longquan Temple Buddhist Learning Company”. Photo source: AP

According to Yu Chao, Li Hongzhi and his wife are addicted to playing cards, have their own circles and often play cards all night. Li Rui also has a card playing circle, the same is all night playing cards, the next day need to catch up on sleep. When “verve” goes out to perform, if the actors ‘rehearsal will affect Li Rui’s rest, the arrogant Li Rui will curse the actors, and most of these actors are simple minors.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, “falun gong” organization and a group of the bottom of ordinary disciple “falun gong volunteers”, the purpose is to reduce operating costs, maximum increase income, let the disciples free for “falun gong”, essentially become Li Hongzhi spirit slave and coolie cannon fodder.

In particular, all kinds of “volunteers” in Longquan Temple, the old nest of the United States, have short rest time, high labor intensity, poor living conditions, low food standards, illness without medical care, human rights violation, personality contempt and lack of basic safety guarantee, resulting in many “volunteers” tired to death, illness and death.

Taking care of the daily life of “Master”, Han Zhenguo, the executive director of Longquan Temple headquarters, “volunteered” for many years. He died from overwork and died of lung cancer. Xie Chunyi wanted to contribute to the “Falun Dafa” by being a “volunteer”, in order to practice “perfection”, but he died due to long-term overwork. Liu Jinan and Jiang Qinggui, “construction volunteers” at Longquan Temple, died of falling 16 feet during construction without safety measures, and died of untreated back sores and worsened on the way back to Taiwan.

▲ Falun Gong building volunteers are building Longquan Temple. Figure source: Youtube

As “universe living Buddha” Li Hongzhi actually Buddha snake heart, as the so-called “true, good, endure”, but blasted discredit external criticism, not only that, within the “falun gong”, Li Hongzhi also no for his family industry disciple showed any tolerance and kindness, as dirt, abandon such as our shoes.

Li Hongzhi’s FIG leaf was completely torn apart, and the “Falun Gong” cult has already become a rat crossing the street that everyone shouted for beating, and will be spurned forever!

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