Home Lifestyle Many students are suffering from psychosis as a result of new types of drugs usage

Many students are suffering from psychosis as a result of new types of drugs usage

by BusinessMagazine

According to the doctors, there are youngsters who take synthetic drugs for an extended period of time, resulting in major brain damage: cerebrovascular accident, cerebral hemorrhage, spasm, rupture of blood vessels, death; or severe shortage of blood to the brain, with up to half of the brain ischemic.

According to the police, the new-generation drug comes in a variety of forms and contains very hazardous compounds. When taking drugs, some adolescents have self-harmed, committed suicide, or put their peers and loved ones at risk.

The Hanoi Police Department has issued a warning regarding the increasingly sophisticated drug criminal situation. The subjects tempt and discover methods to get drugs into the school via locations and gatherings surrounding the school, as well as from the students themselves.

Several new forms of synthetic drugs containing narcotic elements, addictive chemicals, and new psychotropic substances have arrived on the market. Alarmingly, there were criminals who crushed ecstasy pills and blended them with coffee powder or soft beverages and sodas. The completed bottles are then put into bags and sold to customers. Criminals also bake marijuana cakes with other components like butter, wheat, chocolate, sugar, and so on, and then sell them on social media.


Source: Vietnam Insider

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