Home Lifestyle The only country in the world almost 40 years without people suffering from cancer.

The only country in the world almost 40 years without people suffering from cancer.

by BusinessMagazine

Cancer is a nightmare for many people. Moreover, once diagnosed with cancer, it means that your life is only a countdown. Countries with developed medicine still seem to “contribute” in the list of “Countries with a high rate of cancer”. However, a backward island nation, with an underdeveloped medical level – Fiji is the only place in the world where cancer patients do not exist. 

According to statistics of the United Nations Health Organization, in the period 1971-2010, this country did not record a single cancer patient in 900,000 people living here. Besides, Fiji is also one of the “longest-lived countries” in the world. 

Fiji, also known as the Republic of the Fiji Islands, is an island nation in Oceania, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, bordering 3 countries, respectively: Vanuatu, Tonga and Tuvalu. This country has a very small area, only 18,333km2, surrounded by 332 large and small islands.

So why does a less developed country have no people with cancer? 

1. Optimistic spirit 

Deciphering the only country in the world without cancer for nearly 40 years: The secret lies in a very simple active formula - Photo 1.

Fiji is rated as the country with the highest happiness index in the world. Partly because this island nation is small, people still live in a self-sufficient way. They are not under economic pressure, work, study… burdened on life. Therefore, the focus of the people here is always comfortable and optimistic. Because of their low-stress life and good health, their chances of getting cancer are naturally lower.

In contrast, scientists once confirmed that people who are constantly worried and negative will have a 3 times higher risk of cancer than normal. 

2. Swim often 

Because of its geographical position right in the middle of the ocean, most of the activities of the people of the island nation of Fiji are associated with the sea. To serve their own lives, they all have to learn to swim from a young age. This activity not only helps people here catch seafood, but also a healthy sport that helps them control weight, improve bones and joints and promote health effectively. 

Deciphering the only country in the world without cancer for nearly 40 years: The secret lies in a very simple active formula - Photo 2.

3. Eat fresh seafood 

As an island nation, seafood is of course a major part of the Fijian daily diet. However, a special feature is that people here only eat fresh seafood that has not been preserved or dried. 

Fresh seafood contains high levels of protein, in addition to unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain health and strengthen the body’s immune system.

Zinc is a trace element found in seafood. Scientific studies have proven that it has the effect of stimulating growth, increasing immunity, and preventing infections. 

Deciphering the only country in the world where there are no people with cancer for nearly 40 years: The secret lies in a very simple active lifestyle formula - Photo 3.

From 2001-2003, the American Journal of Cancer Research published many studies that discovered the role of zinc in the prevention of esophageal cancer.

The effect of zinc in the prevention of gastrointestinal cancer has been shown to be related to programmed cell death (Apoptosis) of esophageal epithelial cells, when exposed to carcinogens. Eating enough zinc will help eliminate toxic abnormal cells.

A review and meta-analysis of studies conducted up to 2012 found that people who ate a lot of fish had an approximately 21% lower risk of lung cancer.

Eating a lot of seafood, especially fish, is also the key to preventing disease in Japan and the Mediterranean. 

4. Eat buckwheat 

One of the raw grains that Fijians love is buckwheat. It is also a common raw nut in the world. 

Deciphering the only country in the world that has had no cancer patients for nearly 40 years: The secret lies in a very simple active formula - Photo 4.

This cereal is rich in cellulose, B vitamins and the trace element selenium. In addition, buckwheat is higher in antioxidants than many other grains. Even this food has the ability to effectively prevent cancer.

According to Healthline , buckwheat can regulate blood sugar, which is great for people with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, it can promote heart health by stabilizing blood pressure and blood lipids.

5. Healthy living environment

People in the island nation of Fiji are always conscious of protecting the environment. Therefore, it is not surprising that this country is known as a “paradise on earth” when it comes to beautiful clean beaches and fresh air. Many tourists around the world have come to Fiji to relax and recuperate after undergoing treatment for illness.

Deciphering the only country in the world that has not had people with cancer for nearly 40 years: The secret lies in a very simple active formula - Photo 5.

Another special thing is that Fiji’s water is extremely pure. Because of that, the country’s bottled water is always rated as the top quality and most expensive in the world.

Source: CafeF

Source: Vietnam Insider

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